Wednesday 16 June 2010

I'm cope about stress in my life.

When i have some stress or problem in my life.I want to relax about some stress.First, I'm go to the beach with my friends.We're like to scuba diving and see something such as corals,fishes etc.Secondly,I want to sleep for relax.Finally,I go to the temple.


  1. Thank you for your post Nick, that sounds like a great way to relax!

    Does anyone else have ideas about relaxing? What do other people do as part of their daily routine?

    Nick, do you have any pictures of your scuba diving? It sounds great.

  2. How I cope with stress in my life.
    Hi!I'm Ging,
    When I have stress I like to listen to the rock music very loud and be alone, or go to the temple too.
    Bye,Bye Ging

  3. Wow!! Scuba diving.. I like that but I'm no money to learn that T^T. So snorkel diving will be better for me.

    P' Ging, Your ways are very contrast. Unbelievable!!
